lördag 10 januari 2009

Saturday :)

Was out with Jessika last night and it turned out to be better than I had anticipated. We began at her place, drinking a little white wine, and then I mean little ( I drank half a glass). We went to Score a little later on and met Cate, Madde and Linda and socialized with them for a while before we went to Arena to dance off some non-existent energy. It was fun, we met some more of us IB-students and I met a guy from Gävle. He was fun talking to and apparently I am not like other eighteen-year olds.:)

Johnny came and drove me home at two o'clock in the morning and on the way home we stopped at Statoil and bought some candy as it is saturday and we are allowed to eat candy, as we only eat candy once a week.

My mom is ill and now I have to get back to my TOK- essay writing.


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