fredag 27 mars 2009

What a friday

My mind couldn't be more disorganized than it is right now. All the worries about getting a job after graduation, applying to universities, applying for visa, finding somewhere to live if I get in to the desired program, how I am supposed to afford it, getting a drivers licence, studying for exams and getting good grades at the exams. On top of that there are of course other emotional issues I have to take care of. Thankfully I have my way of dealing with the pressure; working out! :D

Right now it feels like I'm falling a little behind with the revision of my subjects but as long as I pass chemistry I'll do fine :D. Nothing can bring me down right now, not even the depressing snowy and windy weather. I know I haven't got the job or anything but I just feel so happy with actually getting a reply on my e-mail showing my interest.

I got to tell you, last weekend I visited my grand parents for 4 days. Quite relaxing actually. Spent some time with my cousins too. Anyway when I and Elin was there we decided to try on some of the clothes that we found in the closets. OMG how silly we looked in those oversized dresses, too small overall somethings and really old clothes. I haven't laughed that much for a really long time. My cousin is the best and the funniest I know. She really is!

I were supposed to go to Arena this weekend as I'm on the list and get free entrance, Star Pilots and Linda rosing among others are there. But I think I will stay home instead. It's not worth it I think. Need some sleep I think as I have the craziest dreams lately. The last dream I had was about some kind of contest in which those who won, they won stuffed animals, real animals I might add and they were realy, really happy about it as well. Weird I know.

Here is the last picture of me which on BDB, Facebook and myspace nowadays.
See ya


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