tisdag 10 mars 2009

Time pass by... Global warming & TOK

Shortly of what I've been up to lately:
1. Searching for universities
I've found three. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bond University and Greenwich university in which I want to study Criminology.
2.Looking for jobs :s (not going particularly well)
3. went to Idet, alone I might add, not the most brilliant idea I've ver had but it turned out okay, after all I met at least someone I knew which was really fun to hang out with. Successful night indeed.

The normal life of a normal IB student is to study everyday, after school and on weekend. Me, well I'm not that good at just the studying part anymore, due to that I'm so Sick n Tired of it all. But I have only 2 prestations left and the exams in May, phew!

The TOK presentation will be about global warming. Jessika, Malin and I will set up an imaginary TV-show in which I will be the host telling a short background and introducing ny two scientists with contradictory views about the very well discussed topic GLOBAL WARMING. Is the theory of global warming actually as dangerous as it is said to be or is it only a natural phenomena? That is what we are going to discuss and dig into a bit further.
I used to believe that global warming was a great issue and that it was caused by us humans. But as I've been searching the net and found so much contradictory information I start to wonder, Did I believe it only because of scientists and politicians, authorities told us that this was the undeniable truth and that they had overwhelming facts to support their claims, so that I forgot to look for other explanations? How do I really know that what they argue about on the news are hardcore facts and not only predictions and ideas made by inductive reasoning of the scientists? I will come back to this, after the break. (Hopefully :P)


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