tisdag 17 mars 2009

Seriously, I never remember to write anything in my blog. Oh well, maybe I should aim at writing at least once a week. A weekly blog. :)

Anyway, Friday was both a disaster and great. I will most likely get a scar on my leg after being accidentally pushed and some very tense feeling between my best friends. Not good.

The rest of the weekend was way better, sleeping, watching my little brother play handball and since we had some trouble with the Tv and so on I have watched DVD's instead. DVD's I've watched before I might add. Indiana Jones, Hancock, Intolerable Cruelty, Ice Age (Yes I know it's a childrens movie but it doesn't change the fact that I like it)and American Dreams. Neither of them any good really, but that doesn't matter just wanted something to watch really.
The last thing ofcourse was working out(jogging, handball and the gym) with my family. My sister wants to go to the gym all the time now as there is some eye candy there, one guy in particular. I must admit that is one of the reasons I go there also(a).Haha

On monday however I started the day by watching Shrek 3. I know another childrens movie. :P, And when I got to school later that I day I was thrilled to hear that our TOK presentation wasn't due until wednesday. So today, Tuesday I have only one lesson; Psychology! How great isn't that? I start 9.30 and end 10.30!

Well that's what I've been up to lately and I better get to class pretty soon. The last thing I want to add is. Yesterday I realized that I am once again trying to go back to the past I'm trying to leave behind. But I have a lot of emotional baggage left and I feel that it is holding me back. Stopping me from taking chances, falling in love is one of those chances I havn't dared to take. So therefore I have decided to let it all go. Of course I'll keep the memories, after all it is the past experiences that has shaped who I am today. But I am heading towards the future, so I'm cutting off the strings. I will no longer be a puppet.

Have a nice day !


Pictures will be uploaded soon, I promise;P

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