lördag 28 mars 2009

Another weekend

I have dreams that all. But will any of them come true? We use dreams as an escape from reality, but sometimes the dreams are so wonderful that we never want to leave them. I dream of getting away, being independent again, finding love, happiness and bliss. Just like some many other people in the world. But these dreams I've had as long as I can remember. I wasn't an outsider but I never felt like I belonged anywhere except now, still I don't want to be stuck in the past. Its fromt he past we learn so that we can deal with the obstacles we meet in the future.

Saturday, it's all about movies - Bedtime stories - twice! Had a guy I've never met before here watching it with me one of the times, chocking I know... NOT. Greys anatomy, Confessions of a shopaholic and Traffic were some other movies I've watched throughout the day.

Sunday I'll continue wishing that I'll get one of the jobs I've applied for, and watch Therese play handball and of course go to the gym with Nickilina:)

So long, and sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite


I and Anna are inseparable <3

fredag 27 mars 2009

What a friday

My mind couldn't be more disorganized than it is right now. All the worries about getting a job after graduation, applying to universities, applying for visa, finding somewhere to live if I get in to the desired program, how I am supposed to afford it, getting a drivers licence, studying for exams and getting good grades at the exams. On top of that there are of course other emotional issues I have to take care of. Thankfully I have my way of dealing with the pressure; working out! :D

Right now it feels like I'm falling a little behind with the revision of my subjects but as long as I pass chemistry I'll do fine :D. Nothing can bring me down right now, not even the depressing snowy and windy weather. I know I haven't got the job or anything but I just feel so happy with actually getting a reply on my e-mail showing my interest.

I got to tell you, last weekend I visited my grand parents for 4 days. Quite relaxing actually. Spent some time with my cousins too. Anyway when I and Elin was there we decided to try on some of the clothes that we found in the closets. OMG how silly we looked in those oversized dresses, too small overall somethings and really old clothes. I haven't laughed that much for a really long time. My cousin is the best and the funniest I know. She really is!

I were supposed to go to Arena this weekend as I'm on the list and get free entrance, Star Pilots and Linda rosing among others are there. But I think I will stay home instead. It's not worth it I think. Need some sleep I think as I have the craziest dreams lately. The last dream I had was about some kind of contest in which those who won, they won stuffed animals, real animals I might add and they were realy, really happy about it as well. Weird I know.

Here is the last picture of me which on BDB, Facebook and myspace nowadays.
See ya


tisdag 17 mars 2009

Seriously, I never remember to write anything in my blog. Oh well, maybe I should aim at writing at least once a week. A weekly blog. :)

Anyway, Friday was both a disaster and great. I will most likely get a scar on my leg after being accidentally pushed and some very tense feeling between my best friends. Not good.

The rest of the weekend was way better, sleeping, watching my little brother play handball and since we had some trouble with the Tv and so on I have watched DVD's instead. DVD's I've watched before I might add. Indiana Jones, Hancock, Intolerable Cruelty, Ice Age (Yes I know it's a childrens movie but it doesn't change the fact that I like it)and American Dreams. Neither of them any good really, but that doesn't matter just wanted something to watch really.
The last thing ofcourse was working out(jogging, handball and the gym) with my family. My sister wants to go to the gym all the time now as there is some eye candy there, one guy in particular. I must admit that is one of the reasons I go there also(a).Haha

On monday however I started the day by watching Shrek 3. I know another childrens movie. :P, And when I got to school later that I day I was thrilled to hear that our TOK presentation wasn't due until wednesday. So today, Tuesday I have only one lesson; Psychology! How great isn't that? I start 9.30 and end 10.30!

Well that's what I've been up to lately and I better get to class pretty soon. The last thing I want to add is. Yesterday I realized that I am once again trying to go back to the past I'm trying to leave behind. But I have a lot of emotional baggage left and I feel that it is holding me back. Stopping me from taking chances, falling in love is one of those chances I havn't dared to take. So therefore I have decided to let it all go. Of course I'll keep the memories, after all it is the past experiences that has shaped who I am today. But I am heading towards the future, so I'm cutting off the strings. I will no longer be a puppet.

Have a nice day !


Pictures will be uploaded soon, I promise;P

tisdag 10 mars 2009

Time pass by... Global warming & TOK

Shortly of what I've been up to lately:
1. Searching for universities
I've found three. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bond University and Greenwich university in which I want to study Criminology.
2.Looking for jobs :s (not going particularly well)
3. went to Idet, alone I might add, not the most brilliant idea I've ver had but it turned out okay, after all I met at least someone I knew which was really fun to hang out with. Successful night indeed.

The normal life of a normal IB student is to study everyday, after school and on weekend. Me, well I'm not that good at just the studying part anymore, due to that I'm so Sick n Tired of it all. But I have only 2 prestations left and the exams in May, phew!

The TOK presentation will be about global warming. Jessika, Malin and I will set up an imaginary TV-show in which I will be the host telling a short background and introducing ny two scientists with contradictory views about the very well discussed topic GLOBAL WARMING. Is the theory of global warming actually as dangerous as it is said to be or is it only a natural phenomena? That is what we are going to discuss and dig into a bit further.
I used to believe that global warming was a great issue and that it was caused by us humans. But as I've been searching the net and found so much contradictory information I start to wonder, Did I believe it only because of scientists and politicians, authorities told us that this was the undeniable truth and that they had overwhelming facts to support their claims, so that I forgot to look for other explanations? How do I really know that what they argue about on the news are hardcore facts and not only predictions and ideas made by inductive reasoning of the scientists? I will come back to this, after the break. (Hopefully :P)


måndag 2 mars 2009

Another monday

Thankfully I'm off from school today. Slept until 10.45 which is very unusual for me. I mean it, sleeping until that late is usually impossible for me to do no matter of when I go to sleep.

I must say that I should listen to my intuition a lot more. I knew from the beginning that he was hiding something and I was right! After talking about sex for an hour, and answering a lot of questions I decided to get rid of him. No way I want to be his fuck buddy. HE's so not my type and I guess I rather want something more emotional with a guy rather than just sex.

That's that, now I better get back to my chemistry which I absolutely detest! It is extremely boring and there is something about rate of reaction that I simply don't get! Thinking about the boy at the gym isn't actually helping either.

Please give me the courage and the skills to flirt at least a little bit :P


söndag 1 mars 2009

Coming to an end

Onsdag- Trysil tack å Lov att Anna var med. VArför kan man inte bara lägga pengarna på en utlandsresa till typ Grekland? XD Love Greece!

Torsdag - Utgång med tjejerna- härligt att få dansa igen. Har verkligen saknat det. Bjuden på två drinkar mums

Fredag - Utgång igen med tjejerna. Inte lika roligt men fortfarande kul. Skrattade en hel del åt Sebastian so skuttade omkring på dansgolvet :P och de hemskt dumma Stockholmarna som än en gång bjöd oss på drinkar och kom inte ens ihåg att dom såg oss kvällen innan! Säffleborna kom iaf ihåg oss, tom att jag e från Stöllet oxå. Attans! xD

Lördag - Hemma kväll med Anna med tränade själv. Han var inte där denna gång.

Söndag - Jessica hälsar på och vi var till gymmet, han var inte där denna gången heller, sen blev det kladdkaka :D haha vi förstör för oss själva xD

Nu blir jag utfrågad av min 11 åriga kusin från Norge om när jag ska skaffa pojkvän. Haha hon tkr inte att jag flörtar tillräckligt mycket.

Så illa är det väl ändå inte. Inte mitt fel att jag är värdelös på att flirta, eller jo men jag är för feg helt enkelt. Nej nu ska jag fortsätta med mitt jobbsökande så jag förhoppningsvis får jobb efter skolan.