7 out of 14 are done!! Everything with exams are exhausting and I'm not pleased with my performance on the exams, but there's nothing I can do about it now. I'm definitely
sleep deprived after this intense week.
I'm not a big fan of studying, it's extremely boring!!! I'm sick and tired of everything. What positive and negative about it is that it has made me, let's say emotionally numb. School is my no 1 priority, bt I'm trying
hard not to lose track of the other parts of my life. It's not easy.
Hate and love. Both are very strong emotions and do you want to know something? Im not sure that I'm able to feel any of them. When you are keeping a secure distance from love, you tend to build up some kind of wall which is hard to penetrate. Especially if you have tried to put your self out there and what you get is disappointment, then you lose faith in love.
The truth is I've always envied the ones who are able to fall in love and stay there. I never have, I simply can't believe in love or people for that matter. But the best and the worst thing with me is that if I would end up meeting someone I tend not to have too high expectations or demand anything of them as I know that the chance of being left for someone else is too high. So I choose the high way, or the simple way, where I won't end up heartbroken.
When surrounded with couples and I realize that I'm the only single in the room I can't help but feel liek an outsider and long to become one of them. But are couples happier? Behind the scenes the beauty of a relationship vanishes, it becomes real. That scares me and being single means to me that I am free to go my own way. I don't have to worry about someone else. To me that is awesome! I'm not a relationship orientated girl, if I would get into a relationship however, I would probably need some serious guidance and I need that person to be extremely patient with me as I scare easily. Haha, I'm a girly girl usually but when it comes to love I'm more like the male stereotype, which I hope you all are familiar with.
I think I'm more valuable as a friend rather than a girlfriend.
If you seriously have read through all this text I must say, Are YOU crazy? That was extremely unecessary when all it actually says; Love is minor, friendship is Everything. I'll be your friend if you'll be mine xD